walking therapy
Mental health charity Mind carried out extensive research a few years ago, which showed that walking in the countryside could help reduce depression and anxiety. In their survey, they reported that 71% of respondents felt decreased depression and less tense after a “green” walk, while 90% felt their self-esteem increase after a country walk.
The routes that we take during walking therapy have different paths to choose from and offer stunning views of the countryside and local wildlife. Surrounded by fields and horses homes, the walks offer so much more than therapy. We can walk at what ever pace you feel most comfortable. The routes are not physically demanding, meaning you don't have to be super fit to enjoy. If the weather changes on the day of booking or you simply change your mind about walking and would rather stay indoors that day, the therapy room will remain reserved when walking therapies are booked. This means there is always an option to change your mind. You are in control.
Appointments are 60 minutes and cost £40. Appointments can be booked using the contact details below or by using the app, simply click the "Book Now" button. The app allows you to see your appointments, edit your information and safely make payments all in one space.
To book contact Flickering Mind Holistic Therapies on 07804240740
Or email: flickeringmind@outlook.com